Parihaka continues to Prophesy

by Admin

On the morning of Sunday 12 September 2010 God showed me a vision of a greenstone mere. He asked me what it was and I said it was a mere. “Keep going,” He said. I said it was a treasure. “Keep going,” He said. I said it was also a weapon. “Good,” He said.

God told me the mere was a picture of Māori, that Māori were His treasure, a people He held in His hand like a mere. And they were not just a treasure but also a mighty weapon in the hand of God.

God said His treasure had been lost in the bushes but that He was going to find His treasure and pick it up again and that He would use Māori as a mighty weapon in His hand.

He then said that this was what the recent events at Parihaka (a home of powerful Māori prophets) meant, that Parihaka was still prophesying and that God was now restoring Māori to Himself.

So what transpired at Parihaka?

On Wednesday 1 September 2010 there was an article in the Manawatu Standard saying that the historic mere pounamu (greenstone mere) belonging to the great Parihaka peace prophet Te Whiti O Rongomai had been stolen from his tomb. The theft had only been discovered the previous week and no one was sure when it had actually been taken. The mere had been on public display at the tomb.

After all the media publicity, someone went to the police and said that the mere was at Parihaka Pa. It was then found in bushes on the Pa grounds on Thursday night 2 September 2010. Te Whiti O Rongomai’s great-great-granddaughter Rita Rukuwai said it had been decided the mere would be returned to the tomb. “It has been decided that it should go back into the tomb for the people,” she said, “so people can still see it but it is going to be a lot harder to get out.”

I heard God saying “satan has taken my treasure and it has been lost in the bushes, but now it is being found again and I am going to put it back into My hand and it will not easily come out again, it will be a mighty weapon and a treasured possession.”

Two days later on 4th September 2010 there was a 7.1 earthquake at Christ’s church, the second largest city in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ezekiel 37:9-10 Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says Yehovah God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” ’ ” So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.

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